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How to Write Blogs for B2B SaaS That Convert (2024) 

how to write blogs for b2b saas
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As the B2B SaaS market heats up, staying visible is super important for brands. 

Content marketing, especially blogs, is a key player here. But in B2B SaaS, it’s a whole different ball game—focused on tricky products, tangled up in competition. 

Sadly, many brands using ChatGPT and AI tools end up with bland blogs that don’t stand out or show results. 

Our blog is here to change that! We’ll guide you through writing blogs for B2B SaaS that not only climb the ranks but also bring in real, tangible outcomes. 

How to write blogs for B2B SaaS? 

Learn from our step-by-step guide on how to write blogs for B2B SaaS. 

Step 1: Understand the product basics and competitors 

For writing blogs for B2B SaaS, understanding the product thoroughly is fundamental. 

It’s not just about knowing what it does, but comprehending its core functionalities, value propositions, and specific advantages over competitors. This knowledge forms the cornerstone of impactful content creation.

In your product research, include:

  • Product features: Detail each feature and its purpose, explaining how they address customer pain points.
  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Identify what sets your product apart and why businesses should choose it over alternatives.
  • Use cases and applications: Explore real-world scenarios where the product shines. This helps in illustrating its versatility and adaptability.
  • Competitor analysis: Understand the competitive landscape. Highlight where your product outperforms others and its unique differentiators.

Step 2: Know your target audience 

Without a clear understanding of who you’re writing for, creating compelling content is impossible. Identify the pain points, needs, and desires of your audience to tailor your blogs to address their concerns directly.

Pointers to cover:

  • Create detailed profiles of your ideal customers. Include demographics, job roles, challenges, goals, and preferences.
  • Use data from customer interactions, surveys, and market research to refine your understanding of your audience.
  • Determine what type of content resonates best at different stages of the buying process (awareness, consideration, decision).

Step 3: Run a quick competitor content research and analysis

Analyzing your competitors’ content strategies helps you understand what works in your industry and identify content gaps that you can leverage. It’s an opportunity to learn from their successes and failures, shaping your content approach.

It helps to:

  • Provide insights into market trends and customer preferences.
  • Identify gaps or opportunities for differentiation in your content.
  • Guides you in crafting unique, more impactful content that stands out from competitors.

Pointers to cover:

  • Evaluate competitor blogs, whitepapers, case studies, and other content assets.
  • Find topics they haven’t covered or areas where you can provide a unique perspective.
  • Look at shares, comments, and backlinks to understand the content’s impact.
  • Analyze their tone, style, and presentation to understand what resonates with the audience.

In this LinkedIn post, Lizzi Davey shares her different take on competitor analysis that helps in shaping an effective SaaS blog content strategy.


Step 4: Pick your focus keywords 

Keywords are the backbone of SEO-driven content and if your blog isn’t discoverable on search, what value would it serve? Choosing the right keywords while framing blogs for B2B SaaS ensures your content is discoverable by your target audience through search engines.

How to do it?

  • Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to find relevant keywords.
  • Select a primary keyword that aligns with your topic and has significant search volume but manageable competition. 
  • Identify related keywords that support your main topic and enhance content relevance.

Understand keywords in more detail with the image below for effective SaaS blogging:


Recommended read: The Ultimate Guide to B2B SaaS SEO

Step 5: Create topics and decide where they fit – ToFu, MoFu, BoFu

Understanding the stages of the buyer’s journey (ToFu – Top of the Funnel, MoFu – Middle of the Funnel, BoFu – Bottom of the Funnel) is crucial for creating content that resonates with your audience at different stages.

Benefits of content segmentation:

  • Guides your audience through their decision-making process.
  • Allows you to tailor content to the specific needs and concerns of prospects at different stages.
  • Enhances lead nurturing and conversion rates by delivering targeted content.

Pointers to cover:


  • ToFu: Create topics that generate awareness and interest in your industry or solutions. Example: “The Future of SaaS Technologies.”
  • MoFu: Develop content that educates and engages prospects who are considering solutions. Example: “Comparing Top SaaS Platforms for Business Efficiency.”
  • BoFu: Craft content that addresses specific pain points or offers solutions, encouraging action. Example: “Implementing XYZ SaaS for Streamlined Operations.”

Recommended read: Understanding Content Funnel And How It Works

Step 6: Pick your topic and keywords from research, align topics to your goals

Based on your research findings, select engaging SaaS blog topics and relevant keywords that ensure your blogs for B2B SaaS address industry trends, audience interests, and your business objectives.

Pointers to cover:

  • Choose topics that resonate with your audience’s pain points, industry trends, or solutions your product offers.
  • Incorporate primary and secondary keywords naturally into your topic to improve searchability.
  • Ensure the chosen topics and keywords align with your business goals, whether it’s increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or establishing thought leadership.

Step 7: Create an outline based on the topic

An outline acts as a roadmap for your blog, ensuring a structured and coherent flow of information. It helps:

  • Provide a clear structure, making it easier to write and maintain coherence.
  • Maintain focus on key points and ensure all relevant information is included.
  • Streamline the writing process by guiding the flow of ideas and information

Here’s how to do it: 

  • Collect client brief: Gather audience details, keywords, title, and product information.
  • Transfer to “dump file”: Condense crucial details from the brief into a central file.
  • Expand dump file: Include sections for stats, case studies, quotes, and relevant content.
  • List key topics: Create a section for identified topics from research and client briefs.
  • Populate topics: Fill key topics with information from various sources like posts, and academic journals.
  • Initiate outline: Begin a new document, establishing the blog’s structure based on the comprehensive dump file.
  • Rearrange topics: Transfer key topics to the outline, ensuring a coherent flow in structure.
  • Include supporting content: Populate sections with appropriate stats, case studies, quotes, and examples.
  • Implement headings: Integrate H2s, H3s, and H4s into sections, visualizing the content’s structure.

Step 8: Research and write the blog

This is where the magic happens—transforming your ideas and outlines into comprehensive, informative, and engaging blogs for B2B SaaS.

Here are some B2B SaaS blog writing tips:

  • Ensure the introduction is powerful. Assess if an introduction is even necessary based on the audience’s expectations. For instance, for a listicle, consider if the audience would engage with an introduction or if the content can dive straight into the actionable points.
  • Ensure each point naturally leads to the next, maintaining a logical flow throughout the blog post.
  • Aim for actionable tips, steps, or advice that enable readers to take concrete steps.
  • Incorporate subject-matter expert (SME) insights seamlessly into the content, ensuring they feel organic and contribute to the overall value of the blog.
  • Apply the Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) methodology to convey the main points or conclusions early in the content, allowing readers to grasp the essence of the post from the start.
  • Use visuals like images, infographics, or charts to enhance understanding and break up text.

In short, while writing blogs for B2B SaaS avoid mistakes like: 


Step 9: Optimize for the search engine 

For search optimisation of your blogs, here’s what you need to do: 

  • Keyword optimization: Ensure your primary and secondary keywords are strategically placed throughout the content, including titles, headings, and body text, maintaining a natural flow.
  • Internal and external links: Incorporate relevant internal links to other pages on your site and authoritative external links to credible sources, improving SEO and providing additional value to readers.
  • Image optimization: Use descriptive filenames and alt tags for images, enhancing accessibility and improving SEO.
  • Captions and descriptions: Craft engaging and informative captions or descriptions for images, making them more impactful.
  • CTA integration: Include clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA) buttons or text, guiding readers towards the desired action, whether it’s subscribing, downloading, or contacting your team.

Step 10: Edit the blog multiple times and publish

Thorough editing of blogs for B2B SaaS ensures:

  • High-quality, error-free content that reflects positively on your brand’s credibility
  • Enhances SEO and user experience, contributing to better rankings and engagement
  • Any last-minute adjustments to align with current trends or changes in the industry

How to do it: 

  • Time gap for revision: Resist the urge to edit immediately after drafting. Take a break and revisit the draft the next day for a fresh perspective and clearer mind.
  • Read aloud: When revisiting, read the draft aloud. This aids in identifying awkward phrasing, grammatical errors, and disruptions in flow that might be overlooked while reading silently.
  • Wordiness to conciseness: Draft content generously at first. During self-editing, ruthlessly trim words, phrases, or sentences that don’t add value, aiming for concise yet informative content.
  • Redundancy check: Watch out for redundancies by scanning for repetitive information or points that have already been conveyed in different sections. Edit out unnecessary repetitions.
  • Conversion focus: While primarily educational, ensure content also guides the reader down the funnel. Incorporate relevant calls-to-action (CTAs), and references to Middle or Bottom of the Funnel (MoFu/BoFu) content, avoiding redundant or off-putting statements, aiming for reader engagement and progression.
  • Structural consideration: Envision how the draft will appear on the publishing platform. Assess its readability and visual appeal, considering the post’s structure, paragraph lengths, potential jump links, and suitability with the platform’s design.

Get started with B2B content creation today! 

At Contensify, we specialize in crafting valuable blogs for B2B SaaS. We understand the challenges of blogging for a SaaS audience while catering to numerous decision-makers in the sales cycle.

Our team of skilled writers doesn’t just write; they aim to educate and engage, driving customer acquisition. Our process involves rigorous editing for perfection, continuous analysis of content performance, and strategic distribution to amplify visibility. 

Our success stories speak for themselves—our content receives love and drives results. 

Reach out to us today to create content that engages, educates, and converts!

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